[18], The Menil Collection, in Houston, Texas houses a significant collection of surrealist art including well over 100 pieces by Max Ernst. His memoirs, A Not-So-Still Life, were published shortly before his death. Die spanische Stadt Gernika wurde am 26. Die zweite Fassung ist auf den Kopf des Ungeheuers reduziert. Die Surrealisten verband die Überzeugung einer neuen übergeordneten Realität, eine „Surrealität“, in der Traum und Wirklichkeit ineinander … [11] Ernst and Peggy Guggenheim arrived in the United States in 1941 and were married at the end of the year. [3] For a brief period on the Western Front, Ernst was assigned to chart maps, which allowed him to continue painting. Loplop often appeared in collages of other artists' work, such as Loplop presents André Breton. [4] He soon asked his wife and Max Ernst to join him; both had to sell paintings to finance the trip. The same year, inspired by de Chirico and mail-order catalogues, teaching-aide manuals and similar sources, he produced his first collages (notably Fiat modes, a portfolio of lithographs), a technique which would dominate his artistic pursuits. He inspired in Max a penchant for defying authority, while his interest in painting and sketching in nature influenced Max to take up painting. Der deutsche Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer Max Ernst (1891-1976) gehört neben Dalí, Magritte, Breton, Arp und Miró zu den großen Surrealisten des … Der Maler, Bildhauer, Zeichner und Dichter Max Ernst ist einer der wichtigsten Vertreter des Dadaismus und Surrealismus. In 1914 Ernst met Hans Arp in Cologne. Max Ernst experimented with the technique of frottage, or rubbing, as a way to probe the subconscious mind. [3] 1937, im Jahr der Entstehung der Gemälde, wurden zwei seiner Bilder in der Münchner Ausstellung „Entartete Kunst“ gezeigt. The effect of the war on Ernst was devastating; in his autobiography, he wrote of his time in the army thus: "On the first of August 1914 M[ax].E[rnst]. Die zweite Version zeigt nur den Kopf, die dritte und größte Version LAnge du foyer ou le Triomphe du surréalisme (Der Hausengel oder der Triumph des Surrealismus) weist eine Reduktion des Motivs auf das Ungeheuer und seinen Angreifer aus. A prolific artist, Ernst was a primary pioneer of the Dada movement and surrealism. [13][14], His marriage to Guggenheim did not last and in Beverly Hills, California in October 1946, in a double ceremony with Man Ray and Juliet P. Browner, he married Dorothea Tanning. He used this technique in his famous painting Forest and Dove (as shown at the Tate Modern). [8] He said that one night when he was young, he woke up and found that his beloved bird had died; a few minutes later, his father announced that his sister was born. With Miró's help, Ernst developed grattage, in which he trowelled pigment from his canvases. [1] In 1909 Ernst enrolled in the University of Bonn to read philosophy, art history, literature, psychology and psychiatry. He visited asylums and became fascinated with the art work of the mentally ill patients; he also started painting that year, producing sketches in the garden of the Brühl castle, and portraits of his sister and himself. So entwickelte Max Ernst die Technik der Frottage, die er in den kommenden Jahren in vielfältiger Weise nutzte und auch auf die Ölmalerei übertrug. [81], An Gemälden entstanden etwa Das Floß der Medusa (1955), Der Garten Frankreichs (1962) und Rückkehr der schönen Gärtnerin (1967), letzteres als Reminiszenz an das verschollene Bild Die schöne Gärtnerin von 1923, sowie … März 1905, ebenfalls in Paris, seine Uraufführung hatte. MUSCHELBAUM, HOLZVOGEL UND AUGENFISCH Max Ernst für Kinder und Jugendliche. Das Ungeheuer wird als ein Vogel-Drachen-Wesen mit gefletschten Zähnen und Händen, die wie ausgefahrene Krallen wirken, und menschenähnlichen Beinen, der eine Fuß mit einem Schuh bekleidet, in Untersicht dargestellt. After Ernst completed his studies in the summer, his life was interrupted by World War I. Ernst was drafted and served both on the Western Front and the Eastern Fronts. In 1923 the Éluards moved to a new home in Eaubonne, near Paris, where Ernst painted numerous murals. Link zum Bild(Bitte Urheberrechte beachten). [17] He died at the age of 84 on 1 April 1976 in Paris and was interred at Père Lachaise Cemetery. Biografia. Februar 1937 in Paris uraufgeführt wurde. He had no formal artistic training, but his experimental attitude toward the making of art resulted in his invention of frottage—a technique that uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images—and grattage, an analogous technique in which paint is scraped across canvas to reveal the imprints of the objects placed beneath. Nach mehreren Verhaftungen floh Max Ernst im Jahr 1941 aus dem von den Nationalsozialisten besetzten Frankreich in die Vereinigten Staaten.[4]. Thirty-six paintings, gifts from the artist to his fourth wife Dorothea Tanning, are on permanent loan from the Kreissparkasse Köln. [15] The couple made their home in Sedona, Arizona from 1946 to 1953, where the high desert landscapes inspired them and recalled Ernst's earlier imagery. Das war mein damaliger Eindruck von dem, was in der Welt wohl vor sich gehen würde, und ich habe damit recht gehabt.“[1], Die Titelgebung war inspiriert von Léon Mathot (1886–1968), dessen Film L'Ange du foyer am 26. [12] Along with other artists and friends (Marcel Duchamp and Marc Chagall) who had fled from the war and lived in New York City, Ernst helped inspire the development of Abstract expressionism. Max Ernst's grandson Eric and his granddaughter Amy are both artists and writers. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 4. Max Ernst L'évadé (Der Ausbrecher) (Blatt 30 in: histoire naturelle), 1926 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017 7 Max Ernst (1891-1976) Entwickelt wurden beide Techniken 1925 von Max Ernst. Some noteworthy works include the sculptures The King playing with the Queen (1944) and Teaching Staff for a School of Murderers (1967). Ersten Kontakt mit der Malerei erhielt er durch seinen Vater. He suggested that this alter-ego was an extension of himself stemming from an early confusion of birds and humans. Der Hausengel oder LAnge du foyer ist ein surrealistisches Gemälde von Max Ernst, das ein schwebendes Ungeheuer über einer flachen Landschaft zeigt und 1937 in drei Variationen in Paris entstand. In diesem Jahr verfasste Andre Breton das "Manifeste du Surrealisme", in dem er den Surrealismus als einen „reinen psychischen Automatismus“ definierte. Es trägt einen dunklen Anzug mit einem roten Tuch und schwebt über einer grünen Hochebene in einem bewölkten Himmel, anscheinend bereit zum Zuschlagen. Sedona proved an inspiration for the artists and for Ernst, who compiled his book Beyond Painting and completed his sculptural masterpiece Capricorn while living there. He is also noted for his novels consisting of collages. Among the monumental red rocks, Ernst built a small cottage by hand on Brewer Road and he and Tanning hosted intellectuals and European artists such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Yves Tanguy. [1], In 1925, Ernst invented a graphic art technique called frottage (see Surrealist techniques), which uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images. The Max Ernst Museum opened in 2005 in his home town Brühl, Germany. Soon after the German occupation of France, he was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo but managed to escape and flee to America with the help of Peggy Guggenheim, a member of a wealthy American art collecting family, and Fry. Max Ernst. In 1925 Ernst established a studio at 22, rue Tourlaque. and more than 700 documents and photographs by Man Ray, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Lee Miller, and others. Progression of Art. [1] Ernst's marriage to Luise was short-lived. [10] Ernst appeared in the 1930 film L'Âge d'Or, directed by the Surrealist Luis Buñuel. Tilbage i Europa i 1953 slog han sig ned i Frankrig og levede der resten af sit liv. Max Ernst (2 April 1891 – 1 April 1976) was a German (naturalised American in 1948 and French in 1958) painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet.A prolific artist, Ernst was a primary pioneer of the Dada movement and surrealism.He had no formal artistic training, but his experimental attitude toward the making of art resulted in his invention of frottage—a technique that uses … Max Ernst was born in Brühl, near Cologne, the third of nine children of a middle-class Catholic family. 25 relationer. He was resurrected on the eleventh of November 1918". Bedeutend für das Werk Max Ernsts wurden vor allem dessen Bilder Der Mönch von Heist… Unter den Malgrund können Gegenstände gelegt werden, deren Relief sich auf den Malgrund überträgt und so den Farbabtrag beeinflusst. Ersten Kontakt mit der Malerei erhielt er durch seinen Vater. [1] Several German Expressionist painters died in action during the war, among them August Macke and Franz Marc. In 1918, Ernst was demobilised and returned to Cologne. Ernsts Gemälde sind unter dem Eindruck des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs entstanden. - 26.08.2012 Im Jahr 1925 legte Max Ernst zum ersten Mal Papiere auf die Dielen eines Holzfußbodens und rieb mit einem Bleistift die Oberflächenstruktur durch. Max Ernst working in decalcomania is shown in the 1978 documentary on the Dada and Surrealist art movement, Hofmann, Werner, Wieland Schmied, and Werner Spies (1973), Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Little Machine Constructed by Minimax Dadamax in Person, The Blessed Virgin Chastises the Infant Jesus Before Three Witnesses: A.B., P.E. [9] In 1927, Ernst married Marie-Berthe Aurenche [de] and it is thought his relationship with her may have inspired the erotic subject matter of The Kiss and other works of that year. Max Ernst's life and career are examined in Peter Schamoni's 1991 documentary Max Ernst. [1], Ernst and Luise's son Ulrich 'Jimmy' Ernst was born on 24 June 1920; he also became a painter. Ernst's work in the Menil Collection is typically exhibited a few pieces at a time along with other surrealist art in the collection on a rotating basis. Das ist natürlich ein ironischer Titel für eine Art Trampeltier, das alles, was ihm in den Weg kommt, zerstört und vernichtet. Er nahm Robert de Flers' dreiaktigen Komödienstoff auf, der am 19. Max Ernst äußerte sich später zur Entstehung der Werke: „Ein Bild, das ich nach der Niederlage der Republikaner in Spanien gemalt habe, ist der Hausengel. Abrëll 1976 zu Paräis, war en däitsche Kënschtler, Moler a Sculpteur.. 1919 huet hien zesumme mam Johannes Baargeld an Hans Arp d'Kölner Dada-Grupp gegrënnt. Die Exponate bestanden aus Werken der von Exil und Verfolgung betroffenen Künstler. Max Ernst blev i Frankrig anset for fjendtlig udlænding og blev fængslet flere gange, før han flygtede til USA i 1941. In September 1939, the outbreak of World War II caused Ernst to be interned as an "undesirable foreigner" in Camp des Milles, near Aix-en-Provence, along with fellow Surrealist, Hans Bellmer, who had recently emigrated to Paris. [1] In his paintings of this period, Ernst adopted an ironic style that juxtaposed grotesque elements alongside Cubist and Expressionist motifs.[2]. Es wird oft als der Vogel Loplop gedeutet, Max Ernsts künstlerisches Alter Ego[5] This page was last edited on 17 February 2021, at 21:21. From the 1950s he lived mainly in France. In 1924 he abruptly left, first for Monaco and then for Saigon. Der von ihm sehr geschätzte Maler der Romantik, Caspar David Friedrich, hatte seine malerischen Zeitgenossen aufgerufen: „Schließe dein leibliches Auge, damit du mit dem geistigen Auge zuerst sehest dein Bild, Dann fördere zutage, was du im Dunkeln gesehen, dass es zurückwirke auf Andere, von außen nach innen“. . A year later the two collaborated on Les malheurs des immortels and then with André Breton, whom Ernst met in 1921, on the magazine Littérature. [1], Although apparently accepting the ménage à trois, Éluard eventually became more concerned about the affair. In 1912 he visited the Sonderbund exhibition in Cologne, where works by Pablo Picasso and post-Impressionists such as Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin profoundly influenced him. It is housed in a late-classicist 1844 building integrated with a modern glass pavilion. Max Ernst variierte ihn: Die provokante Darstellung des Gemäldes Die Jungfrau züchtigt das Jesuskind vor drei Zeugen: André Breton, Paul Éluard und dem Maler aus dem Jahr 1926 soll durch André Breton inspiriert worden sein. Ernst drew a great deal of controversy with his 1926 painting The Virgin Chastises the infant Jesus before Three Witnesses: André Breton, Paul Éluard, and the Painter. Ein kleines grünes Wesen, ebenfalls mit krallenartigen Endgliedern ausgestattet, scheint ihn aufhalten zu wollen. The core of the collection dates back to 1969 with works donated to the City of Brühl by the artist. Max Ernst wurde als drittes von insgesamt neun Kindern des Taubstummenlehrers Philipp Ernst und seiner Frau Luise (geb. Jahrhunderts. Pablo Picasso malte anlässlich des Geschehens sein berühmt gewordenes Antikriegsbild Guernica. In 1919–20 Ernst and Baargeld published various short-lived magazines such as Der Strom, die Schammade and organised Dada exhibitions. Der Hausengel oder L’Ange du foyer ist ein surrealistisches Gemälde von Max Ernst, das ein schwebendes Ungeheuer über einer flachen Landschaft zeigt und 1937 in drei Variationen in Paris entstand. The next year he collaborated with Joan Miró on designs for Sergei Diaghilev. Sie entsprach der freien Assoziation, die Sigmund Freud … As a result of the book and its publicity, Ernst began to achieve financial success. 1991. An! De Max Ernst, gebuer den 2.Abrëll 1891 zu Brühl a gestuerwen den 1. So%erfand%Max%Ernst%die%FrottageBTechnik%! April 1937 von der deutschen Legion Condor zu einem großen Teil zerstört. Das Rendezvous der Freunde, französisch Au rendez-vous des amis, ist ein vorsurrealistisches Gemälde von Max Ernst aus dem Jahr 1922, das seine Pariser Freunde vor einer bizarren Gebirgslandschaft zeigt. Ein im Jahr 1992 gedrehter … Éluard bought two of Ernst's paintings (Celebes and Oedipus Rex) and selected six collages to illustrate his poetry collection Répétitions. Februar 2021 um 21:10 Uhr bearbeitet. 1958 wurde er französischer Staatsbürger. Visionen des Unheils 1914–1945 in Berlin gezeigt. died. [6] Die dritte und letzte Fassung befindet sich ebenfalls im Privatbesitz. The collection spans 70 years of his career including paintings, drawings, frottages, collages, nearly the entire lithographic works, over 70 bronze sculptures. Oktober 1918, kurz vor dem Ende des Kriegs, heiratete er in einer Kriegstrauung seine Studienfreundin, die promovierte Kunsthistorikerin Luise Straus, die Tochter des jüdischen Hutfabrikanten Jacob Straus, in Köln. Max Ernst … In 1919, Ernst visited Paul Klee in Munich and studied paintings by Giorgio de Chirico. [2], Die erste Fassung des Hausengels wurde 2008/09 in einer Ausstellung des Deutschen Historischen Museums unter dem Titel Kassandra. The museum also host temporary exhibitions by other artist. Ernst developed a fascination with birds that was prevalent in his work. In 1911 Ernst befriended August Macke and joined his Die Rheinischen Expressionisten group of artists, deciding to become an artist. [1] During his first two years in Paris, Ernst took various odd jobs to make a living and continued to paint. L: „Der Max Ernst, der ist dann auch mal rausgegangen und hat verschiedene Strukturen gesammelt und daraus was ganz komisches/Besonderes gemacht.“ L: „Guck mal, diese Bild hat der Künstler gemacht.“ L zeigt Bild von Max Ernst: „der Ausbrecher“ L: „Was siehst du denn in diesem Bild?“ freie SuS Äußerungen He returned to Paris in late 1924 and soon signed a contract with Jacques Viot that allowed him to paint full-time. Notable paintings include In Praise of Freedom (1926), Loplop Presents Loplop (1930), Day and Night (1941-1942), Surrealism and Painting (1942), Euclid (1945), A Swarm of Bees in the Palais de Justice (1960), The Marriage of Heaven and Earth (1964). https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Der_Hausengel&oldid=208444584, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Ernst went to Düsseldorf and sold a large number of his works to a long-time friend, Johanna Ey, owner of gallery Das Junge Rheinland. [1] After a brief time together in Saigon, the trio decided that Gala would remain with Paul. einem verregneten Abend betrachtete Max Ernst den Holzfußboden in seinem Hotelzimmer. [5] He also created the 'grattage' technique, in which paint is scraped across canvas to reveal the imprints of the objects placed beneath. Also in 1919 Ernst, social activist Johannes Theodor Baargeld and several colleagues founded the Cologne Dada group. His father Philipp was a teacher of the deaf and an amateur painter, a devout Christian and a strict disciplinarian. In 1921 he met Paul Éluard, who became a lifelong friend. [16] Despite the fact that Sedona was remote and populated by fewer than 400 ranchers, orchard workers, merchants and small Native American communities, their presence helped begin what would become an American artists' colony. Kopp) geboren. [19], Opening of the Max Ernst exhibition at the gallery Au Sans Pareil, May 2, 1921. left to right: René Hilsum, Benjamin Péret, Serge Charchoune, Philippe Soupault (top of the ladder), Jacques Rigaut (upside down), André Breton and Simone Kahn-Breton, Cover of Répétitions (1922) by Paul Éluard, with illustrations by Max Ernst, "Les Fusains": 22, rue Tourlaque, 18th arrondissement of Paris where Max Ernst established a studio in 1925, Three bronze sculptures: left to right: Large Frog (1967), Turtle (1944), and The Spirit of the Bastille (1961), Lenbachhaus, Munich, Max Ernst Museum, Brühl, Germany (photo 2004). Spies, Werner, Karin von Maur, Sigrid Metken, Uwe M. Schneede, Sarah Wilson, and Max Ernst. 25.03. He also explored with the technique of decalcomania, which involves pressing paint between two surfaces. Dedicated to the art historian Werner Spies, it was assembled from interviews with Ernst, stills of his paintings and sculptures, and the memoirs of his wife Dorothea Tanning and son Jimmy. Max Ernst wurde als drittes von insgesamt neun Kindern des Taubstummenlehrers Philipp Ernst und seiner Frau Luise (geb. He had been living with his lover and fellow Surrealist painter, Leonora Carrington who, not knowing whether he would return, saw no option but to sell their house to repay their debts and leave for Spain. The two became friends and their relationship lasted for fifty years. Medien in der Kategorie „Max Ernst“ Folgende 19 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 19 insgesamt. In 1922, unable to secure the necessary papers, Ernst entered France illegally and settled into a ménage à trois with Éluard and his wife Gala in Paris suburb Saint-Brice, leaving behind his wife and son. Die zweite Version zeigt nur den Kopf, die dritte und größte Version L’Ange du foyer ou le Triomphe du surréalisme (Der Hausengel oder der Triumph des Surrealismus) weist eine Reduktion des Motivs auf das Ungeheuer und seinen Angreifer aus. The same year his works were exhibited at Salon des Indépendants. Dozentin: Barbara Kaiser Über Max Ernst und die Technik „Frottage“ Der deutsche Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer Max Ernst (1891-1976) gehört neben Dalí, Magritte, Breton, Arp und Miró zu den großen Surrealisten des 20. Das in Öl auf Leinwand gemalte großformatige Bild mit den Maßen 130 × 195 cm kam 1976 in den Bestand des Museum Ludwig in Köln. Der Maler, Bildhauer, Zeichner und Dichter Max Ernst ist einer der wichtigsten Vertreter des Dadaismus und Surrealismus. Bedeutend für das Werk Max Ernsts wurden vor allem dessen Bilder Der Mönch von Heisterbach (Einsamkeit) und Portrait des fünfjährigen Max Ernst als Jesuskind (1896). The 101-minute German film was released on DVD with English subtitles by Image Entertainment. 25 relationer. The Éluards returned to Eaubonne in early September, while Ernst followed them some months later, after exploring more of South-East Asia. Kopp) geboren. Das Bild ist im Besitz der Kunstsammler Ulla und Heiner Pietzsch, Berlin. Die Grattage ist eine Übertragung der Frottage auf die Ölmalerei. Max Ernst (Brühl, 2 d'abril de 1891-París, 1 d'abril de 1976) fou un artista alemany nacionalitzat francès que va ser una figura fonamental tant en el moviment dadà com en el surrealisme.Es va caracteritzar per la utilització d'una extraordinària diversitat de tècniques, estils i materials. Ernst and Peggy Guggenheim were married from 1942 to 1946. Max Ernst (2 April 1891 – 1 April 1976) was a German (naturalised American in 1948 and French in 1958) painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. In ihr betritt das in verschiedenfarbige Tücher gehüllte Ungeheuer bereits mit einem Fuß die Erde, und das kleine grüne Wesen ist ihm zur Abwehr ganz nah gekommen. [6] Ernst was also active, along with fellow Surrealists, at the Atelier 17.[7]. 'Dadaville', painted plaster and cork laid on canvas by Max Ernst… Han bosatte sig i Sendona i Arizona, hvor han blev fascineret af den indianske kunst og kultur og af selve landskabet i det sydvestlige USA. He soon married art history student Luise Straus, whom he had met in 1914. 1922 ass en op Paräis geplënnert, wou e sech mat de Surrealiste ronderëm den André Breton zesummegedoen huet an zu engem vun de wichtegste … Bei der Frottage wird die Oberflächenstruktur eines Gegenstandes oder Materials durch Abreiben mit Kreide oder Bleistift auf ein aufgelegtes Papier übertragen. Ab 1924 war Max Ernst eines der wichtigsten Mitglieder der surrealistischen Gruppe um Andre Breton. The historic ballroom was once a popular social venue visited by Ernst in his youth. Thanks to the intercession of Paul Éluard and other friends, including the journalist Varian Fry, he was released a few weeks later. A prolific artist, Ernst was a primary pioneer of the Dada movement and surrealism. Als Kommunikations-Organ der Gruppe diente die Zeitschrift „La Revolution surrealiste“. In 1954 he was awarded the Grand Prize for painting at the Venice Biennale. His alter ego in paintings, which he called Loplop, was a bird. Ernst began to sculpt in 1934 and spent time with Alberto Giacometti. In 1938, the American heiress and artistic patron Peggy Guggenheim acquired a number of Max Ernst's works, which she displayed in her new gallery in London. Die Frottage (frz.frotter „reiben“) oder Abreibung geht auf ein altes chinesisches Verfahren zurück, deren künstlerisches Potential von Max Ernst ab 1925 für die Bildende Kunst neu entdeckt und weiterentwickelt wurde. [11], Ernst's son Jimmy Ernst, a well-known German/American abstract expressionist painter, who lived on the south shore of Long Island, died in 1984. and the Artist, "New Google Doodle Honors Surrealist Painter Leonora Carrington", "Juliet Man Ray, 79, The Artist's Model And Muse, Is Dead", "A Max Ernst Retrospective Opens Today in NY", http://www.bildmuseet.umu.se/en/exhibition/dada-aer-dada/30574, Max Ernst : paintings, collages, drawings, sculpture : 30 October – 25 November 1961 : Bodley Gallery, 223 East 60, New York, Paintings in Museums and Public Art Galleries Worldwide, Works in the National Galleries of Scotland, London International Surrealist Exhibition, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Max_Ernst&oldid=1007384771, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from March 2018, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from March 2018, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from March 2018, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TePapa identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A retrospective of 104 works spanning the years 1920-1968, drawn entirely from the, In 2005, "Max Ernst: A Retrospective" opened at the, Max Ernst himself, and some of his work, is mentioned in, The first edition of the Penguin paperback edition of. [citation needed]. His work was exhibited that year together with that of the Das Junge Rheinland group, at Galerie Feldman in Cologne, and then in several group exhibitions in 1913.
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