COVENANT ABILITIES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE ROTATION WHERE APPLICABLE 1.0.2. Here is Version 2! MM Hunter Rotation. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Marksmanship Hunter in dungeons and raids. Talents Marksmanship Hunter is primarily a PvP spec, but it’s also viable in PvE. Marksmanship Hunter Guide. PROFILE VERSION CAN NOW BE VIEWED IN EDIT MODE AT THE TOP OF THE TOGGLE MENU; SPEC CHANGING LUA HAS BEEN UPDATED TO WORK FOR ALL LANGUAGEs; 1.0.1. Total Downloads 1,846,029. This guide is for optimizing the Marksman MM Hunter Shot Rotation in WotLK. Video how it works: Supports currently Marksmanship, Beast Mastery, Survival. Now, along with the release of the guide, I am also revealing something else that I've made to assist me in presenting the hunter forum community with the most accurate, up-to-date , and useful hunter information possible. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Donorbashed's MM PvE Guide 3.3.5a Revision 2.0 Hey everyone! In this guide, you will learn about playing a Marksmanship Hunter in a raid. This guide is unbiased by human emotions and feelings. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, BiS Gear, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. Highlights spells that should be casted next. Typically written for the purpose of raiding. Updated Dec 9, 2020. Welcome to the Marksmanship Hunter guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. Improved Hunter's Mark and Trueshot … About Project. We extended our unique brand of data-driven analysis to talents and rotations. And still have Kill command and … Marksman hunters have a varied and flexible shot rotation, and while not as difficult as it was in BC, MM hunters have a lot of choices in their shot rotation. Marksmanship Guide – General guide for Marksmanship Hunters with an overview of Talents, Stats, Gearing & Rotations. Typically written for the purpose of raiding. Agility - Increases Hunter's Attack Power, and therefore gives a Damage boost to all his Attacks and Abilities. Survival Guide – General guide for Survival Hunters with an overview of Talents, Stats, Gearing & Rotations. Welcome to the Marksmanship Hunter DPS guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. Kill Shot will now only show once learned; Bloodshed will now only suggest while usable Project ID 98966. You should feel good about choosing to play in the manner that is the most fun for you. Talent Tree The first… Another WoW class guide! Hunter module for MaxDps addon ... Dps rotation helper for hunter. Hunter is all about priority, not a set rotation - if your rotation gets out of order - deal with it - Priority list would be: Kill Shot, Serpent Sting, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Steady shot and Arcane shot on the move. Why would you want to look at this one? The basic idea is a priority-based shot cycle. i am a mm hunter and i have been destroying all casters in a couple of secs once we start fighting. The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. ive found a deadly rotation for pvp but im not sure if there is a macro that suite me. Report. This is MM Hunter's primary stat, so choosing items with Higher Item Level is generally preferable (for Weapons especially, because the Weapon DPS is also very important gear stat when it comes to Damage output). Created Apr 1, 2016. This is a video game!
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